Mitt Romney 2011 Tax Returns: Released!

Posted by Admin Celeb on Friday, September 21, 2012

Mitt Romney 2011 Tax Returns: Released!, Mitt Romney and his wife, Ann Romney, released their 2011 tax returns today. Spoiler alerts: They're still really rich, and Democrats will call for him to release more!

They paid $1.94 million in federal income taxes on income of $13.7 million, most of it from investments, for an effective tax rate of 14.1 percent, his campaign said.

That's slightly above the 13.9 percent rate the couple paid for 2010.

<b>Mitt</b> <b>Romney</b> Wins Primary

The Republican presidential candidate's taxes have emerged as an ongoing issue in the 2012 election, as he has declined to release any returns filed before 2010.

Romney's fortune and association with Bain Capital, the private equity firm he co-founded, have been lightning rods in his bid to unseat President Barack Obama.

Critics, including Obama, have urged Romney to release more than just the two years of returns; for whatever reason, he has indicated he does not plan to do so.

It's been kind of a tough week for Mitt, with his Tagg Romney emerging today.

What do you think? Should he release more tax returns?